The Hummingbird Project Blog

Kristen Spencer Kristen Spencer

What is the Chocolate Chip Cookie Effect?

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Effect highlights the randomness and unpredictability of fentanyl presence in illicit drugs. Just as you might bite into a cookie and get a mouthful of chocolate chips in one bite and none in the next, a person using drugs might encounter a fatal dose of fentanyl in one part of their supply and none in another. This inconsistency makes it extremely dangerous for users, as even a small amount of fentanyl can be deadly.

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Sadie Blackwood Sadie Blackwood

CJ Kindness Rocks

Hello and Happy New year from The Hummingbird Project! We are kicking off 2024 with our annual Rock Painting days coming to you in the month of February. We started this tradition in 2019, after the passing of Christopher (24) and John Ramirez (22), the founders two sons, who tragically tossed their lives from an accidental fentanyl overdose.

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Sadie Blackwood Sadie Blackwood

A Notice, And A Promise

Today, We’re talking about resources. As a non-profit foundation, the Hummingbird Project team strives to provide as much useful information and tools as we possibly can. The resources on our website have been brought to you by countless hours of extensive research in finding sources that are legitimate and trustworthy in times when it matters the most.

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Sadie Blackwood Sadie Blackwood

Grief Is Like The Seasons

Death often channels through us like the seasons. First comes a blizzarding storm. The weight of a thousand pounds pouring on you. You are suffocated in screaming echos that remind you of everything you’ve lost and are buried beneath the sorrows of being without.

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Sadie Blackwood Sadie Blackwood

Community Outreach Reflection

This past weekend, The Hummingbird Project was given the opportunity to take a look inside the world of small business owners and entrepreneurs at the local Phoenix One Stop Shop Event hosted and coordinated by Tamier Moore.

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Support awareness.

It all begins with a single action. Maybe you have someone that was impacted. Maybe you want to turn your dollar into something more.